Hi, I'm Skylar. I help people.

How can I help you today?

You’re Not Crazy

You’re Not Crazy: Building a Jewish Life Without Losing Your Mind: I help people build a Jewish life. Mostly conversion candidates, but also baalei teshuvah and anyone else reconsidering what their Jewish life should be.

Betzelem Elokim

Betzelem Elokim: A blog that looks at life more broadly and my experience learning how to be more fully human made in the image of Gd. Specifically, it focuses on the idea of #MotherCulture, the parental self-education popular in the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy community online. CM is usually considered a (Christian) homeschooling philosophy, but it’s more broadly a life philosophy, an approach to living as someone made in the image of Gd. The most common topics are book reviews, nature education, antiracist education, and parenting.

Kosher Justice

Kosher Justice: A former blog focused on environmentalism that I hope to return to one day and expand into broader justice issues.

Learn Tanach

Learn Tanach: A site with ideas for how to read Tanach systematically. I searched for Jewish resources like the popular “Read the Bible in a year!” kind of challenges, but I could only find Christian resources. So I decided to create a Jewish alternative. It’s a work in progress, and I’m always open to submissions!